October 10, 2008

The First Month....

This past month has been so crazy! The boys have had many adventures in the short time they have been here. Aiden got his first eye infection, thankfully Cooper didn't get one. They also had their first "surgery" when they had to get circumcised. That day was a bad day, Kevin and I could tell that the boys were in a lot of pain and we felt so bad that there was nothing we could do to help them. They took their first trip over to Grandma and Grandpa Bud's and got to spend some time with my mom as well. Everything seems to be going by so fast its crazy. We can already see how much our little babies have grown. They are still really small for babies but they are so much bigger than when they first came home. Every day is a new battle but we are loving every moment of it.

Aiden's eye :(

Daddy & the boys

Jimmy & Cooper

Grandmas and the boys

Little cuddle buddies

Grandpa Bud & Aiden


SloneFamily said...

Wow Jacque! You seem like you are doing great. How sad about the eye infection already, that's no fun! Take care hun and keep posting pics:)

Megan Swiatkowski said...

I love seeing pics. of your little boys. It seems like you are such a great mommy. I can't imagine having two at the same time but it looks like you are taking it day by day and having fun doing it. Keep posting new pics. in your free time! (HAHAHA!) I can't believe you have time to post anything. But really, I do enjoy the new pics.