November 03, 2008

Inspirational Sunday

Its been almost seven weeks since the babies were born and prior to their birth we went to church every Sunday. Once they were here we stayed home for a couple of weeks because I was/still am completely afraid of them getting sick. However, I am so grateful that we went to church today. For those of you who are not LDS the first Sunday of the month members of the church bear their testimonies. This week I was so inspired by all of those who shared their testimonies; especially the women in Relief Society. I have been inspired to ask Heavenly Father what I can do to become closer to him and grow closer with the members of our ward. All of the people we have met and befriended have been so wonderful and helpful over the past couple of months. I am so thankful to have these people in our lives. Kevin and I are blessed to have such wonderful people around us.

1 comment:

HEIDI said...

Jacque that was such a nice post. I'm am so happy that you have a wonderful ward. I'm sure you are a wonderful friend to others also.