November 11, 2008

Photo Shoot

On Halloween my friend Kara came over and took some pictures of the boys. They turned out really good and I can't wait till she comes over to do it again. Hopefully they will be more cooperative next time but we got some good shots. Enjoy!


Jennifer said...

Hey I found your blog!!! Your boys are the cutest. Kara is such a talented person. I'm a follower now!

Jennifer said...

You guys are the cutest! I can't believe you actually found time to blog within the first month the boys were born. You are a Supermom!

Megan Swiatkowski said...

Those are aboslutely precious!

Kara said...

Can't wait till the next photo shoot! I have lots of ideas, and a little more experiance under my belt, now that I have photographed them once. Thanks for the WONDERFUL chicken noodle soup!

HEIDI said...

Awww, they are so precious. Hurry and bring them to AZ!