December 24, 2008

Updates A Plenty!

I have been away from a computer for the past couple weeks so this will be a super long post full of pictures and a video. So I hope you enjoy this family update as a wonderful Christmas gift.
Cooper and

Aiden experienced their first ear infections a couple weeks ago. Cooper's ear infection started a day earlier than Aiden's. I took him to the doctor because he kept coughing, while the cough seemed to be nothing but a simple cough every now and then the doctor discovered he had an ear infection in his left ear. I asked if that if there was a posibility that the other twin (Aiden) had one as well. The doctor said there was a chance but to just keep an eye on him. Well... the next morning Aiden woke up the same way Cooper did the day before. So, they both had ear infections in their left ears. They also got weighed at their appointments and Cooper weighed 12lbs. 12oz and Aiden weighed 12lbs. 14oz. I'm sure by now they are around the 14 pound range. A reason for their incredible weight gain is the fact that our children have become insatiable. They are hungry every couple of hours and down 6 ounces! We have decided that it is time to start giving them cereal. Today they had their first bottle of cereal. I think they liked it. We only gave them 2 ounces but I feel that they will probably be eating 4 by the end of the week.

Oh, they have also bumped up another size in diapers and are now wearing a size 2! Since we were so gratiously given so many diapers when the babies were born we were able to do our own diaper comparison trial for a very little cost. We have decided that are our favorite diapers! Huggies are the second best and Luv's comes in third. When it comes to wipes however, I like Huggies better because the wipe caddie has rubber in it that seperates the wipes. Simply amazing!

Now back to the babies! Our church had a Christmas party and the Primary President asked if we would let our babies be baby Jesus. We said yes of course! That meant that Kevin and I were Mary and Joseph in the Primary Christmas program. When it came down to the performance Cooper was the one who was asleep still so he got to be baby Jesus. Thats just how the cards played out for our little budding actors. I think my favorite part about it was a little girl came up and saw Cooper in the basket and said "HOW REAL! ITS A REAL BABY!" I giggled and so did Kevin. I'm glad we could help put on such a great little Christmas program. After we were all done eating and the Primary program was over we recieved a special early visit from Santa Clause!!! I don't think the boys were too interested in meeting him but Santa was interested in them!

Once we got home from the party we decided to take some pictures with the babies since we have very little of us with them.

Me & Cooper

Daddy & his boys

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. There will be more updates to come soon!!

1 comment:

Caton Ann said...

Merry Christmas miss, your boys are getting so big!! I hope you guys have a great holiday!!!!<3