January 16, 2009

Allow Me To...


I realized today while I was doing my usual blog stalking... that if I find someone's blog interesting or find someone from my past who I feel like following they probably think that I am a crazy person. So I would like to take some time out of my day so you all can get to know me and my wonderful family.

This is me:
Jacquelyn Marie (Haines) Tutton. I'm from the wonderful city of Mesa, Arizona. I grew up there and lived practically my whole life there until last November. But, more on my move later. I went to Whittier Elm, Carson Jr., and yes the glorious Mountain View. (I was suppose to go to Westwood...)(me and my "adopted" brother Curtis) While in highschool I was on "Pom" and took home 2 State Chamipon titles. It was a lot of work but so much fun too. I graduated in 2004 then moved on to ASU (Arizona State). There I enrolled in school and was on the dance team. I was not much of a school buff and switched my major a couple of times. I finally decided upon Early Childhood Education. This is my calling in life. I love kids and the joy of teaching them. What else could be better? While going to school I got a great job at The Library Bar & Grill as a door girl then moved my way up in the ranks to a waitress/bar tender. It was fun and I made a lot of good friends. There I also met this hunk of a guy named Kevin. We started dating and have never stopped. He is the greatest guy in the world (in my opinion). We have so much fun just being our goofy selves. We truly love eachother for the people we are. Nothing more, nothing less. I also love his family. They have welcomed me with loving arms and I couldn't feel more at home, away from my AZ home. Back in November of 2007, we moved to Arkansas so I could finish my schooling. Did I mention I never graduated from college? Oops. Anyways, that was half of the reason we moved out here. The other half was to help his parents with their buisness. They own well... 3 buisnesses. Ward's Turf: Linda sells grashoppers. Bud Ward's Antique Cars: Bud & Crew restore old cars to look new and pretty like this: (this is a '59 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz) Also, Kevin does Chrome & Stainless. Taking junk like this: and turning it into beauty like this: . The final company is Bud Ward's Auction Company. This is where Jimmy (Kev's bro) and I help Bud put on auctions where we sell lots of cars. Click the link to see what I mean. It keeps us very busy. After moving here (Arkansas) Kevin got down on one knee and gave me the most beautiful sparkly ring ever! I willing said YES! and 5 or so months later we were wed. One month later I was baptized and joined the Church of Jesus Chist of Latter-Day Saints aka Mormons! It really was a life changing experience for me and I'm glad that I decided to do it. Following that wirlind of a time we had two adorable twin boys in September. They are the greatest gifts ever. I am amazed everyday at how much they change and grow and become their own little person. It's amazing! I love being a mom and think I would enjoy it even more if I could be a stay at home one. But, they come to work with us so it is fun. If you ever have any questions don't be shy and just ask. I'm a pretty open and honest person. So, now I hope you are in the know.


Busy Bee Lauren said...

Oh my goodness! Hi Jacque! I haven't seen you in forever! Congratulations on your amazing new little family. And your baptism! It looks like life is so wonderful for you.

Caton Ann said...

you're so cute, i love your little life story!

Krystal Arnett said...

Jacque, I am so dumb. This is Krystal Shell Arnett. I saw your blog like a long time ago and left a comment on your first post. I totally didn't even know who you were but since you were having twins; I decided to leave a random comment. When I saw you on face I totally put it together and remembered I had seen your blog a long time ago. Ha ha your boys are just so cute. How do you like having twins?

SloneFamily said...

Oh, so that's who you are! Thanks for clearing it up :) I love your life sotry in a nutshell, and I love remembering going through the early years with you, and the good Ol MV days (HA). You have come so far Jacque...it is so crazy that you are this cute little Mama now of two beautiful boys! Keep up the good Work!

HEIDI said...

This is a great post :) You have been very blessed...and you are a lucky girl. Also I know that Kevins family is so grateful to have you in their lives. I'm glad you are happy back there in AR...but I sure hope you make it back here to AZ so we can have a taste of those little guys!

symphonyofdissent said...

Thank you for your kind comments on my blog :) Your pictures are adorable and I wish you all happiness in the world as a mother :)

Buck and Whitni Watkins said...

You are so precious Jacque...I knew you were an awesome person from the day I met you. Still the only girl I liked that Tj brought home. I am so glad you are doing so well. Love you!

Andrea said...

That was a great post. It was nice for me to get to know a little more about you. Thanks for sharing, I am going to go and add you to google reader now.

The Wonderful World of Wampler said...

I love your blog. Your little boys are so darling. =)

Krissa said...

Its nice to read more about you. You are so cute and so is your family!