March 08, 2009

To Comment... or Not?

I must admit I am addicted to Blogger. If I even skip a day or two I have SO much catching up to do. I think Whitney said it best when she said that "Its Like The Newspaper" and really, thats true. However, in my many days of stalking people I often am to fearful to post a comment. I personally like comments and know that they make me excited when I see that email in my inbox with the subject [The Tuttons]. So, After talking to my friend Camille I have decided to make an effort to muster up the courage to leave comments on peoples blogs that I read. Maybe, just maybe, other people who read my blog and find my life interesting will feel inclined to do the same.


Camille said...

I'm inclined!! I was so excited when I saw that you did, indeed comment! Cool.

I feel the same way about "missing" a couple days on the internet---there's SO much catching up to do!

Caton Ann said...

do it!

Malissa said...

I feel the same way!! I started leaving more connects people! I love reading about other people's lives!

j & s said...

im the same as you.. i love reading but never comment! we can turn over a new leaf together! (i think thats the expression?)

SloneFamily said...

You gotta love a Blog atalker! I know, I never comment on someone who I haven't seen or talked to in forever... but I should. Why don't you comment me more??? You better not feel weird! I love ya Girl and am excited to see when you post and comment on my page.

Andrea said...

Comments are the life blood of stalking. Although it takes so much of my time, I fell that it creates such important friendships. WAY TO GO!!

Whitney said...

Truly I love getting comments. When I do a post and I only get a few comments I almost feel like I failed. ha ha. I know, Im a wacko. I promise to be a better commentor on your blog.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Comments are the best! I love becoming friends with people through comments :)

Lindsey Layton said...

I just found your blog via Facebook! i love it! Your babies are so cute and i love that you call them 'the babies'.

Oh, and feel free to comment on my blog anytime!