March 26, 2009

Where We've Been...

The past couple weeks of our lives have been CR-A-ZY!!! We had an auction in Houston, TX for work then two days after getting home we drove 13 hours (yes we are insane) to Minnesota to visit my family. While the trip was quite draining on all of us it was fun and I'm so grateful that we had the opportunity to go.

Here is the break down:

March 11th we left Little Rock for Houston. It was a little bit over a six hour drive. Not really all that bad seeing how we go to Missouri at least once every couple of months and thats only a four hour drive. We arrived to nice weather. However, it did not last long. Over the course of the days we were there (which were 6) it rained all but two! Fortunately, the Estate Sale we had went off without a hitch. Yes, it rained the day of the sale, but it was indoors and we had quite a crowd. I think we did really good for our first Estate Sale EVER! It was fun, but I think car auctions are much easier to handle. While in Houston I got to see my BESTEST friend Marianna!! She is wonderful and I miss her. We hung out on Thursday and her mom and her were so kind to watch the babies for us on Saturday (the day of the sale). They watched them for 8 hours! I think thats the longest I've ever gone with out seeing my little guys. The boys did... well good for the first time with strangers. They were fussy and cried a lot but I think thats just becasue they were couped up in a strange hotel room with people they didn't know. However, if it wasn't for Marianna and her momma I don't think the little guys would have lasted all day at the sale. I was there for close to 18 hours. It was a rough day. But, the sale turned out good and that was all that mattered.

We returned from Houston at 10:30pm on the 16th. By this point all of us were exhausted. The babies were tired of being in their carseats all day and we were just tired from travelling. We spent two days at home which were consumed with post auction work then we left.

Thursday March 18th we left for Minnesota at 6:30 in the morning! Yes this sounds quite insane, but it we knew it would be a long drive and I figured if we put the babes in the car before they woke up they might sleep a little longer. And, I was right! We made it to Minnesota in 13 hours with 2 gas stops and 2 baby stretch breaks. Now, you may be asking yourself why we went to Minnesota after being gone for a week, and the answer is simple. I GOT TO SEE MY MOM!
Plus, the majority of her family who still lives in Minnesota. It was exciting to see her again and for her to see how big the little guys have grown since they were 3 weeks old. She couldn't believe it and I know that she was just as excited as I was. Our trip was good and I got to spend some good quality time with family I haven't seen in 4 years! They liked Kevin too so I guess thats a plus. I almost forgot! Kevin's brother Jimmy came with us because he served his mission there. We went to the temple to see it. He went 10 years ago! He said that they broke ground on the temple while he was there and he's never been back to see it. It was a small temple but still beautiful.
I'm glad we were able to share that experience with him. Another thing I learned about while being up in Minnesota was my unknown love of deer meat. Yes, I like vennison. My cousins mix it and smoke it themselves. It is AMAZING! They even sent some home with me so I could enjoy it later.

After spending a fun weekend up in the north, we had to come home. So we endured another 13 hour drive leaving at 6:30am. However, this drive was not as pleasant. We drove in the rain until we got to Des Moines, Iowa. Then we faced a terrible headwind which was not so great for our gas mileage. And to top it off... both Kevin & Aiden were sick. Thankfully, we all made it home safe and sound and got a good nights rest. However, the sickness did not end with the trip. Kevin passed his bug along to me and I passed it along to Jimmy. As for the babies, I think their sickness is in conjuction with teething. It's just a lot of runny noses and watery poopy diapers. (sorry if thats too graphic for you) As far as I can tell they are coming out of this funk and hopefully a new tooth with be the result. If not, I guess I'll have to take them to the doctor.


Malissa said...

That's great that you got to see your mom and hang out with family! And I'm glad they liked Kevin!! He's pretty easy to like! Sorry to hear half the fam is sick and now the other half is too...hope you all get better soon!! The babies are getting so big!

j & s said...

oh my goodness i cant imagine traveling that much w/ little ones.. you guys are brave parents. glad you got home safe and sound!! ;)

Camille said...

I'm glad you're back! And that sleeping picture is so cute. You're brave for driving so long with twin babies! I'd be scared to go with just ONE!