January 12, 2011

Fun in the Snow

Sunday afternoon it started snowing around 1-1:30 in the afternoon. It had been talked about all week and I was excited because, being an Arizona girl, I have experienced very little snow. {Kevin was less amazed with it, but he is from Missouri.}


We played in the snow 3 days in a row! Sunday night after it had stopped. I just couldn’t resist going out into the fresh powdery snow. We made snow angels and the boys got acclimated with the snow. Their first experience was last New Years in Missouri and they were not fans of it at all! This year was much different. Aiden was very apprehensive of the snow and cold while Cooper just jumped right in and soaked up every minute of it. I would have taken picture but we couldn’t find the camera.


Monday we ventured out in the early afternoon and partook in a snowball fight with our neighbors. It was lots of fun and everyone loved it, A&C included.


Kevin taught Aiden how to make snowballs.

cooper snow

While our neighbor, Holly, taught Cooper how to throw them. You can just see how much he loved it.


Tuesday, we ventured out before Kevin dared the roads to head up to the shop. We thought about making a snowman and this is our best attempt at it. After a while, I decided to give up because 1. the snow wouldn’t stick, and 2. I was freezing! The boys settled for a snow pile because they could knock it down. It was so adorable to watch them play in the snow. Their personalities are so different now that they are getting older and its such a joy to see the little people they are becoming. Aiden is so sensitive and Cooper is just wild and outgoing. Aiden would not walk alone in the snow. He would get stuck and then call out “help me, mama" with his little hand sticking out in my direction. It was adorable. Cooper, on the other hand would barrel through the snow, eating it as he went. Once in a while he would get stuck or fall over, it was only then that he would say “help, I stuck!” It was precious. I loved all the memories that we made.


Rare picture of Aiden enjoying the snow.

cooper loved the snow

The first picture I snapped of Cooper. He was loving the snow, as you can see.


Cooper devouring the snow. Good thing we have no animals in our vicinity.


Aiden’s initial reaction. Frozen at the bottom of the steps, feeling out the situation.

pete & re-pete )

This was as we were coming in Tuesday afternoon. Aiden was ready to go in but not without ringing the doorbell. After seeing him  do it, Cooper had to get in on the action. I find it too cute that they mimic one another.

*Thanks to Kevin’s dad & step-mom, Tom & Karleen, for the boys winter coats. They got them for Christmas and they were perfect for our fun in the snow days.


Caton said...


Whitni Watkins said...

your boys are ADORABLE! I miss the snow....ps I am headed into Mesa tomorrow for the weekend....since I'm jealous of your snow I thought i'd make you jealous of my situation